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10 Smart Tips For Planning And Packing

  1. Write down each part of the moving process in a notebook, including phone numbers, names and appointments.
  2. Keep appointments also on a calendar.
  3. Use non-printed newsprint to wrap breakable pieces. Wrap each loosely in one or two sheets.
  4. Use other things around the house to protect breakable items. For example, put place mats between dishes and wrap crystal in dishcloths.
  5. Instead of trying to move full-grown plants, take a seedling from those you like. Give the plants away to friends who help you.
  6. Put heavy items on a rug to make moving them across a hardware floor easier.
  7. Make notes on boxes to simplify placement in the new home.
  8. If moving with pets, be sure to keep track of them at all times. When moving across state lines or internationally, check with the authorities for any pet restrictions and regulations.
  9. Pack all necessities (toiletries, medicine, aspirin, contact solution) in one box, so it will all be easily accessible.
  10. Pack an emergency overnight bag with a change of clothes and any emergency numbers you might need.